Friday, May 9, 2008

Say 'hello' to the nice people

Thanks once again ... it's so nice of you all for coming, I really wasn't expecting such a crowd. I suppose I should introduce myself (shuffles papers awkwardly, small bead of sweat dangles on the end of nose). My name is, er, you know (awkward whisper off stage - 'didn't you tell them? You mean, you haven't told them anything?!' Extended pause. Notes start to blur as nose-sweat becomes indistinguishable from now-general facial geyser) ... Right ... (Another pause, even longer than the first. In fact, this pause could be the pause to end all pauses, if that weren't in itself some form of physcial and logical impossibility - a pause, by its very nature is ... oh, you got it? Ah, sorry.)

For those of you who don't know me, my name is ... look! Over there! (A brief scuffle ensues. Lecture continues 'under duress'.) What I meant to say is, well... Oh look, you know what Will said, 'rose by any other name', etc, etc? Basically, if I really need to explain this, I'm just like that other girl, you know, that one you were talking to earlier? At the coffee, you remember. Black dress, brown boots? She was kind of nice, easy going, had a bit of broccoli in her teeth but didn't appear to skin small animals and attach them to her underpants...

You know, that one, her over there.

As Her Over There, I'm hoping this blog will enable me to record some of the interesting and challenging aspects of my life and times in a small, country town in rural Belgium. So French it aint (not only because, for the perceptive among you, I live in Belgium and that was set in France); but what I am hoping it might do is to provide a platform in which the lacuna that is currently my life might be diced, sliced, and blended, so that it can one day be served with a nice cocktail umbrella.

Just charge it to my room, thanks.

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