Friday, July 25, 2008

Let's play a game ...

Imagine your favourite food.

No, wait. This is my blog, so here's a better one - imagine one of my favourite foods. Struggling? I'll help you out - a Portuguese custard tart.

Having no luck with the pastry p*rn? Try this:

Now imagine you are in a country where they are a national speciality.

Now imagine they cost a mere 85c.

Now imagine you have started dreaming about them every night.

Now imagine my arse.


meli said...


everything i look at these days reminds me of adelaide (there's a great cafe that makes these near my parent's house, tho' they cost a bit more than 85c). getting a bit homesick.

eat as many as you can!

heroverthere said...

He he, thanks Meli - I`m definitely trying! Maybe I´ll try and stash an extra one away today, just for you!